Monday, May 31, 2010

Decorating for the 4th!!!

I love everything about JUly, the 4th, my BIRTHDAY is in July and then we celebrate pioneer day on the 24th. It is just such a fun month full of fun events! Happy Memorial Day!

This was my project last year!

Satin Flower tuTorial!

STEP 1: i layered the satin 3 times. Used a bowl that was about 5 1/2 inches and cut around it to make 3 circles!

there is 4 circles in this picture, but you only need 3

STEP 2: cut slits around circle

STEP 3 : cut off tips of each petal. FYI none of this has to be perfect because when you burn it you wont even tell!

STEP 4: now you are going to burn each petal. you will want to curve it like a petal and burn arount the edge. I used a lighter, but you could also use a candle.

this is what it will look like when they are all burned. if it catches fire, you can snip it off and burn it again. i liked the way they looked burnt so i kept it!

STEP 5 : take a piece of tulle the width of your flower. Tie it in a knot, take a second peice of tulle and then tie it in a knot around the first knotted piece, to make it look like this!

STEP 6 : Hot glue it to your petal!


REPEAT STEPS 4 & 5 to make it look like the picture below. Also for this step i tied a third peice of tulle to make it even fuller!

STEP 6: Cut 4 petal apart from the base

STEP 7: glue them randomly like so!

STEP 8: you will make another tulle Knot like you did in STEP 5
STEP 8: bunch it so you can put a drop of hot glue on the knot!

STEP 9: glue it to the whole flower. after everything was glued on i went around and trimmed all the tulle to make it shaped like a flower!

STEP 10: i cut out to pieces of felt. glued one to the bottom of the flower, attached my alligator clip & a pin! Then i glued the other peice of flet inbetween the clip and pin to secure it!

My model was sleeping so you get me!!

I think they turned out so cute, you can wear them in your hair, on jewlery or clothes! i hope you understand everything, this is my first tutorial. im not too good at explaining how i do things. Let me know how i did!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Such a Great weekend!

me and my hubby after the dedication!

I am so happy to say that i live 5 min. away from the Gila Valley Temple. This past weekend the Temple was dedicated and now is open. I am so thankful that i can go as often as i want now. Before we were having to find a babysitter all day to make the 3 hr trip up and back to go to the Mesa Temple!
During the Cultural Celebration i got to sit 4 rows behind President Monson. This weekend was such a spiritual High i didn't want it to end!! Go here and see more pictures of the Cultural celebration! - Ariz. Latter-day Saint youth perform in temple celebration CLICK to see President Monson and Elder Iring singing! SO cute!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Rap up of GREat stuff!

Find out how to make this faux jewelty tee at Get you Craft On this is so easy and To cute to pass up!

We all know that i love benches, but check out this corner bench over at Reinvented!

This is a CRIB.....what the heck huh? check out how easy it is to make over at Someday Crafts!

I am for SURE digging out all my ribbon tomorrow and making some of these! check out how easy it is to make them at Aly & Ash Creations!

I love this idea, Super thrifty and To adorable to pass up, check it out over at 7294 cottage way!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sun dress

I found this adorable fabric at are local fabric store! i am in love with makeing these little dresses for my girls, i think they are perfect for summer! she wasnt up for modeling, so this is as good as it gets!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More benches By far my FAVORite!

I hope no one is getting annoyed of my bench making, i have been making them, cause there SO cute, i have sold three because with 4 bench occupying my house already, there is no more room!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

perfect chalk board!

My grandma gave me this old cabinet door and i was in love with This idea, so i had to make one, i love it!

Running for resolutions!

Jayme, ME, and Bethany
Every Year i have the same Resolutions, exercise, eat right, loose weight, be more active in everything...blah blah etc....
So this year i had a few new ones, to start running marathons, 5k, 10k, half and then a crazy full 26.2 full Marathon! Honesty who would ever want to run 26 plus miles...i guess i do....So this weekend i accomplished the first step, i ran my first 5k in 28 mins. i have no idea if that's good, but i wasn't "racing" i was there to cross the finish line on my own 2 feet. So here i come 10K......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday finds in blog world!

I love LOVE this chalkboard frame, check it out Here!

Great mother's day gift! Over at Made she shows how to make these adorable things!

Normal jeans made into Skinny jeans, so cleaver! check it outHere!

I need some more green in my house, This is SO cute, and cheap, check it out Here!

We all know how much i love wreaths, this is made out of plastic garbage bags, we all have a ton of those, check it out Here!

i hope you are all enjoying that last bit of sunday!