Monday, May 24, 2010

Such a Great weekend!

me and my hubby after the dedication!

I am so happy to say that i live 5 min. away from the Gila Valley Temple. This past weekend the Temple was dedicated and now is open. I am so thankful that i can go as often as i want now. Before we were having to find a babysitter all day to make the 3 hr trip up and back to go to the Mesa Temple!
During the Cultural Celebration i got to sit 4 rows behind President Monson. This weekend was such a spiritual High i didn't want it to end!! Go here and see more pictures of the Cultural celebration! - Ariz. Latter-day Saint youth perform in temple celebration CLICK to see President Monson and Elder Iring singing! SO cute!


  1. How awesome is that to be in the very same room as Pres.Monson! SO jealous! I really am so excited for you to have a temple close by. What a blessing! Oh, BTW LOVE your dress!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  2. Yaaaay! Awesome! Sucks to be so far away -- I know how it is. Now it's sooo close!

  3. What a neat experience! I'm happy for you to have a temple so close now! On a trip many year ago we went to the Mesa Temple, it is so beautiful!! And, to be so close to Pres. Monson, Awesome:)

  4. You are so lucky to be close to a temple! We are 3 1/2 hours away from our temple {OKC}. My oldest will be going for the first time this Sat. to do baptisms! :)
    Have a beautiful day!

  5. i just came across your blog...from somewhere...i cant even remember...haha... anyways...its so so cute
    i love all your ideas...haha...and the links you have for crafts you want to do...

    also... my sister in law is from safford... thats cool you live that close to the temple... we went to the open house and it is gorgeous!!!!!
