Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More benches By far my FAVORite!

I hope no one is getting annoyed of my bench making, i have been making them, cause there SO cute, i have sold three because with 4 bench occupying my house already, there is no more room!


  1. I love your benches! I never get tired of them either. I come back to your blog daily to see what new benches you have made. I am on the hunt for twin beds so I can make some of my own.

  2. STILL totally in LOVE(not annoyed) by your fabulousness!
    Great Job!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  3. They look amazing! I wish our thrift stores had some decent beds!

  4. Just wanted to let you know I gave you a little award on my blog!

  5. Was driving home from running errands, saw a headboard peeking out from under a tarp in someone's driveway, did a double take and thought of you.

  6. Hey, just stopping by to let you know you have an award waiting for you at my blog. Make sure you stop by and snatch it up! Love your BLog!

    JEnnie @ Cinnaberry Suite
