Monday, May 3, 2010

Running for resolutions!

Jayme, ME, and Bethany
Every Year i have the same Resolutions, exercise, eat right, loose weight, be more active in everything...blah blah etc....
So this year i had a few new ones, to start running marathons, 5k, 10k, half and then a crazy full 26.2 full Marathon! Honesty who would ever want to run 26 plus miles...i guess i do....So this weekend i accomplished the first step, i ran my first 5k in 28 mins. i have no idea if that's good, but i wasn't "racing" i was there to cross the finish line on my own 2 feet. So here i come 10K......


  1. GOOD JOB! Seriously I could never do that. You go, girl.

  2. Hey, GREAT JOB on running a 5k! And GOOD LUCK with the full 26-miler... gall. :)

  3. That's a great time! Congrats!

  4. That is awesome! Run girl, RUN! Run a mile for me too! My toes hurt too bad when I run that far;)

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  5. That's awesome. I have the same goal. Everyone I tell thinks I'm crazy, but that's been a life goal for me to run marathons. Some day :) Good job. You're an inspiration for sure.
