Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Soup Cans To CANDLe sticks!!!

How in the World Do you Get this... SOUP cans.. and make them into Candle sticks..GENIOUS!! With this idea, the possibilties are endless. Go HERE to see the Tutorial!!


  1. So smart. I have the fence toppers and have been wanting to do something like this but didn't want to spend the money for table legs etc. I am gonna have to try to make these!!

  2. Ah thanks for featuring my candlesticks!!!! Love your blog!

  3. Hi Amanda,
    I've been watching your blog long before I began my own blog and long before I became a follower. Now that I understand and have my own blog, I definately am going through my old favorites and following. I love the soup can idea and I love your blog.
