Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pecan, St. Patricks Day Wreath!!

Here is my St. patricks day wreath i made last year... Love it...
Dollar store wreath and hot glued Pecans all the way around. Spray painted it white. Then for the clover i cut the shape out of card board. We all know streamers for birthday partys, i got 2 rolls for a $ 1 at the dollar store. I fold it in half and with hot glue i just bunched it all close together. WA-La! added some tule and hung it on my pantry door!

Yes some of nuts cracked when i hot glued them on.....and i burnt my finger a few times and said a few choice words...i Dislike the glue gun!


  1. Such a cute idea! I love all your wreaths!

  2. very cute! I hate the hot glue gun too! I ALWAYS get burned...ALWAYS! lol

  3. I love the wreath! It is adorable! I wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog...check it out!

  4. so cute - love the white pecans. And the glue gun is awful - nothin but trouble :)

  5. CUTENESS! What a COOL idea! Hey, I have a Stylish Blogger award waiting for you...just cause you're all fancy like that!

    Jennie {Cinnaberry Suite}

  6. Amanda your stuff is always so cute!
    please go to my blog and accept my award.

  7. super cute blog, new follower (:
