Monday, October 11, 2010

My Porch Hanger!!!

A few weeks ago i post about one of these porch hangers, Here is mine, i love it. Everyone loves it that comes over. i have made about 4 of these for ppl. It will be so fun to switch plaqs and wreaths for every holiday!!!


  1. love it but when i put things like this on my porch if its windy it blows over sometimes breaking i have had things blow down into driveway damaging car.......;( btw i love the candy corn piece also

  2. really cute!! What a great idwa!

    I featured it on my tatertots and jello facebook page and linked to you :)


  3. I love it, love it! It's so cute. You did a really good job.

  4. I love this! I also love your candycorn-

    Jessica at Chapman Place

  5. I love it! so cute. and I love your wreath. I am so picky about my wreaths and yours is perfect!

  6. Hey Amanda, my name is Amy Allred and I found you while surfing the web...I have a small addiction, haha, but I wanted to (already kinda did it)feature your adorable site on my site your cool with that.
    THIS IS A HUGE PS......i really do adore the heck out of your site!!

  7. Fabulous creativity. Love it!

    Visiting from Fireflies & Jellybean's.

  8. You did great!!!! but I just wanted to say I have a link on my blog and it is how to make a 2x4 wood turkey, it's really fun for the kids, or just for yourself my blog is littlemiss airforce what a life!
