Thursday, September 2, 2010

Candy Corn blocks!

I made a ton of these Candy Corn the other day. It was so simple! i used all of my scrap wood that i had laying around, cut it into triangles and then rounded the corners. i did all different sizes! they are a big hit and for my craft day next week we are all makeing a set!


  1. SOOO CUTE. love them. I ADORE YOUR ENTIRE LEDGE, you decorate like I like to. Wish I could see it in person. ;) jen

  2. I found your blog off of Decor Chick's blog and I just want to tell you how cute your decor is!!! It is something I can do and best of all it's cheap. I am looking forward to all your post of cute decor.


  3. I just found your blog and love all your ideas! Thank you for sharing. I love the corn husk wreath - along with everything else!

  4. These are so fun! I am going to feature these on my blog tomorrow!

  5. Love them! So creative. I have soooo much scrap wood in my garage, I think I will make a bunch of these! Thanks so much for sharing:)

  6. For the Candy Corn, i Seriously just drew random triangle on some scrap wood, cut the all out with my skill saw, and then just rounded the tips with the same saw. SO simple and then i just spaced all the lines evenly and painted them with the cheap craft paint from walmart. sanded them, and then stained them . SO simple! thanks for asking!

  7. I love this idea, you have lots of great ideas goin' on in that brain of yours. I posted about your sight on my blog, you'll have to come check it out. I love seeing all your new posts, we have very similar decorating tastes. ~Andi
