Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I cant stop now makeing benches!

Cheryl i love you for giving me your old front door! I love this bench. i think it will look SO cute with a vinyl quote in the glass or a wreath hanging from it! SO cute!

This i made from an old crib, super cute, and a great time OUT chair!

The weather has been so nice and i love working out side and my kids can run crazy, WHICh means and early bed time!


  1. Those are both so cute! I am jealous! I have an old head board in my basement I need to get crafty!!

  2. THIS is another tempting idea! I think I want to change my door thingy into a bench now. SHOOT! Now I TOO have way to many benches I want to make. CUTE IDEAS! Love them all.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  3. um... I hate to tell you this, but... I need that door back!

    Just kidding! it looks great!

  4. Lol, sherral! i do need to make you something for being so nice and "door less" lol! Thanks!!

  5. These just keep getting better and better. Love them!

  6. Your benches are all so great. I have a door idea that is very similar, but have not found the "right" door yet.

  7. you are seriously going bench crazy! they are super cute. good work!

  8. Can you send me instructions on how to make these? they are adorable! Thanks! Christina
