Monday, March 29, 2010

Guest Blogging, and few more hours of the giveaway!

Today i am guest blogging over at fireflies and jelly beans, go on over and check her blog out. She is so crafty and so creative! Go HERE to enter the giveaway!


  1. I just spotted you on there! I'm lovin your blog :)

  2. It was so fun to have you guest posting today! : )

    Thanks! : )

  3. This is my niece, Amanda, doing these AWESOME crafts with her friend Brittany, I am SOOOOOO proud of her and Brittany for what they are doing and this haviing been the first time I have been able to see her sight I only have one thing to say, I LOVE IT!!!!!
    Keep up the good work girls. I love you , Aunt Kelly
