Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Candle Sticks or NOt!

Today I made these Candle sticks...I think they turned out SO Cute, and you can put anything on them......i got the idea over at Drab to Fab..... did what her sister did. i made my own bottom and top, i think either OR is cute!


  1. i like 'em w/o the candles! you are a tool useing goddess!

  2. Okay Amanda....I have to admit that this is the first time I've looked at your crafting blog because....well, crafting doesn't really interest me. I feel very uncreative and just don't want to try.

    BUT......You are INCREDIBLE!! Come redo my house!

    AND.....You've even inspired me to make an effort to try a few crafts here and there.

    Now THAT is a HUGE accomplishment so THANKS!!!! :)
