Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thift Store finds this weekend!

i found this lamp at the TS and i lOVEd it...i new exactly what i was going to do with it......
My Sister n law has something like this at her house, and i wanted one So i made one. i even got the wreath at the thrift store for like 25 cents! I just took the lamp apart, took all the shiney stuff off. Then i just put it back together by tinkering!!
i hung the W with some fabric! I found the W at was $2.00 it cost more then the base. Crazy!
We were desperate for a Hamper...are hamper was the floor and it was driving me NUTS! i would of just bought one, but the are like 30 to 40 bucks just at walmart...No thanks im cheap! So i found this baby at the thrift store in good shape and it was only a buck.

In this picture it doesnt look to bad...but it was.

some spray paint and it looks great.. I love it and now we have a HAMPer...cant beat that for a buck and some paint!
p.S. i love the thrift just have to go there with an open mind of what you can do with all the junk there!


  1. Holy cute. You make me want to go to the thrift store right now and start crafting. Thanks for all the great ideas. I need to start making some of them!

  2. I absolutely LOVE what you did with that lamp! Makes me want to go find one now! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am GLAD my brother married such a STUDETTE! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the wreath hanger!

  4. Amanda --
    Great projects! I never would have thought to transform that lamp and it looks great!

    Good luck with your blog - I can tell that you are very creative. I can't wait to see what else you do!


  5. Amanda! Love all the great craft ideas. GENIUS.

  6. Great projects and what a fun blog!

  7. Okay, the lamp to wreath easel is a "must do!" I've linked this idea on Thanks for sharing!

  8. I too love the thrift stores and I'm going on a "hamper search"... great find!

  9. Amazing, you have inspired me to go to my local thirft stores tomorrow. I love what you have done!
