Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Paper Back Book Wreath

Lindsay over at "Living with Linsay"( has created this awesome paper page wreath...i love it and i cant stop making them. I think everyone should have one...So this is the one that i made and i hung it in are entry way.Now im making a Huge one to go in are Kitchen...Go check it out. SO cheap and So easy cant beat &1.05! I got the wreath at the dollar store, and the book at the thrift store for 5 cents! The only thing i did defferent than her. I used sewing pins intstead of the Hot glue gun to tac the paper into the wreath....Glue gun and i dont get along!


  1. that is totally crazy! i can't believe how cute it is! can you post a picture of how you displayed yours in your house? i would love to make one, but can't figure out where i'd put it.

  2. I want to know where you got your bench. That wreath idea is too cute. I didn't know you where so talented! Awsome!

  3. I love this paper wreath! I fell in love w/ your burlap heart wreath and then scrolled down to see this book pages wreath too. You are so talented!
