Monday, January 25, 2010

Old Window & Giveaway!

I have been looking for Old window FOR forever...i did find some that had the glass in it BUT...i do have 3 small kid and they are really old, SO i had to break the glass out of a few. I sanded this baby down (a little)....IT was so hard for me not to paint it black( i paint everything black). i cut out a star, out of wood, painted it and hung it with some fabric.
Im going to do another post on what i do with the other one...IM So excited!

P.S..dont forget my giveway.....Enter on the post before, and you can win these little bags!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute. I was thinking of something like this for my big window and I'm so happy you shared this idea. I love how it looks!

