Friday, January 29, 2010

Hutch Redo & and winner of the giveway is.............

I went threw this phase ( still going threw it) where i think everything looks better BLACK...everything in are house is Black! My husband doesnt care what i do with are house as long as there is no more BLACK....(little details dont count). I got this hutch a few years ago at an Estate sale....and painted it......Black, but my SNL just taught me how to paint like this....So what better to try it on then this black hutch. I think it turned out SO cute, and it brightens up my house.

Doesnt it look like i spent all day distressing it, with 50 different paint colors??? Well i didnt, and im going to tell you how i did it, if you dont know how to paint like this......
1st- sand surface down ( a little to ruff the it up)
2nd-paint it white WHITE you dont have to get it all even...splotchy adds charictor
3rd-sand around eddges to destress it some
4th-add stain ( a darker one) leave it on for a few mins. and wipe it off
And you done...
your kids and YOu might be a little high off of all the fums so BEWARE!!

I had so much fun doing this giveaway....thanks everyone for commenting and the winner is
# 18 Linds @ that so cuegly!! Congrats!! i will be contacting you today!!!


  1. Oh, and HELLO?! Stain? I didn't know!

  2. I love your hutch and thanks for the painting tips. I really want to try that.

  3. That looks so gorgeous....I myself am in a black phase...the plus is I can change furniture from room to room and it still goes...the downside is I think I need more color....but that hutch is just beautiful!

  4. i love your hutch redo! i've always wanted a hutch. i don't know where the heck i'd put it though...seriously i need you to come up here and decorate my house! :D

  5. Your hutch looks great! I definitely need to give this paint technique a try as I have several pieces that need makeovers. Thanks for sharing! Congrats to Linda for winning your lovely giveaway. Have a great day. Blessings, Tammy

  6. I am loving your blog! You have a great style and fun ideas. Thanks for sharing.
